Hello there! We are The Coleys, and we're both filmmakers and creative directors of a nonprofit called Art Within. Our first project? We're making a documentary called A Kingdom of Tea & Strangers.

A Kingdom of Tea & Strangers is a feature documentary chronicling one summer at L'Abri Fellowship, a short-term "monastery hostel" providing shelter for spiritually-homeless people and a hospitable space for honest questions. The film follows a group of students from around the world as they look for belonging, wrestle with doubts & uncertainty, and grapple with finding spirituality and community in their lives back home. 

During summer of 2022, we completed our filming at English L'Abri—and after 2 years of post-production, we're finally approaching the film's release tour. 

Our world premiere will be on August 29th, 2024 at The Belcourt Theatre in Nashville TN! Get tickets here. After that, we hope to raise funds for a wider release tour and festival circuit—don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like us to come to you!

If you’d like to support the film, you can donate to the project using Visa/PayPal by clicking here or send a check to Art Within Inc. at the address below. Art Within is a 501(c)(3) company and donations are tax-deductible. 

If you'd like to connect in any way, feel free to get in touch with us using the email below and don’t forget to sign up for email updates to keep track of our adventure! We're glad you're here!